Harvey looks at options to deal with uranium, arsenic in water (CBC New Brunswick)
Steps are being taken to try to mitigate the risk from high levels of uranium and arsenic in Harvey's drinking water, Mayor Winston Gamblin says
Himalayan Salt Crystals -- a 250-million-year-old secret from the Earth's original Primal Sea -- can help turbocharge your health, ionize and purify your home, and protect loved ones.
Do you find yourself in Wellness Overdrive -- frantically trying to fortify your health, purify indoor air, beautify your body & uplift your spirits -- at increasing expense but with limited results?
Himalayan salt crystals can bolster your energy, promote natural healing, and relax your mind, while providing an ionic shield of protection for family and pets.
The Primal Sea disappeared well Radon Test 250 million years - dried by the sun's energy and compressed over millions of years by the pressure of landmasses that formed on top of it.
This compression, combined with the intense heat and pressure of shifting tectonic plates, ultimately produced crystallized structures containing the purest elements in existence on our planet.
Himalayan Radon Test were referred to as "The King's Diamond" in ancient times because of their precious, superior health benefits.
Alexander the Great first discovered salt caves in the Himalayan Mountain Range during his battles in India. Fighting on scorching plains by day, his troops sought shelter in nearby caves by night - caves formed from salt crystals over the ages.
The wounds incurred by both men and horses sheltered in the salt caves healed rapidly and beyond expectation. These troops also showed stronger endurance during battle.
Alexander quickly realized that the pure air found within crystal salt caves had amazing curative powers - and ordered his men to begin mining this salt.
Crystal salt rapidly became a prized currency. Indeed, the word "salary" derives from salt. Salt mine workers across Europe, the Middle East and Asia were frequently paid in salt!
Himalayan Crystals are mined by hand from salt caves located over 500 feet below the Himalayan Mountain Range.
The human body is comprised of 84 "vibrational" elements. Amazingly, Himalayan salt crystals contain the same 84 elements - mirroring the very source of lifeyour life!
Himalayan salt crystals are as pure and unpolluted today as they
were 250 million years ago.
The good news for Wellness Seekers: You don't have to travel all the way to the Himalayan Mountain Range to benefit from this this ancient secret.
The crystals are transformed today into a wide range of products that can fortifying your health while beautifying and purifying the air inside your home: including Himalayan salt lamps, candleholders, bath crystals, Feng Shui crystals, Halite crystals and the pureset edible salt on the planet.
Copyright 2005 by Dr. Joyce Starr. All rights reserved.
Dr. Joyce Starr, Wellness Coach, Author & Alter-Blog Maven, helps Wellness Seekers create a healthy home or Home Office environment, advises solopreneurs and small businesses on building a successful alternative health brand, and will even create your health blog if you don't have the time. Joyce is author of a dozen books, special reports and ebooks, including, Himalayan Salt Crystals: Your Dynamic Wellness Guide HimalayanCrysals HimalayanCrysals ISBN-1-59975-093-7. She offers free wellness tips through her monthly ezine, "The Wellness Coach Says...."
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